'Resting in Being' in the Swedish forest
Yoga & Meditation retreat for women in Korsån
new date to be announced
"We are here to find that dimension in ourselves that is deeper than thought."
Eckhart Tolle
Oh, the treasures found in stillness!!
This is the 6th year that we offer this intimate retreat deep in the fairytale forest in Korså in the beautiful provence of Dalarna. This retreat is specially suited for HSP, for women who are recovering from stress or burnout, and for everyone else who longs to turn their attention inward and connect to the stillness and wisdom that lies within.
Gentle somatic yoga and movement explorations, (some guided) meditation, inquiry, and deep relaxation practises will support you on your journey. The food that Anna-Lena so lovingly prepares is a feast for the eyes and is so delicious that it is one of the highlights of the weekend. Sauna at the lakeside, restful sleep in single rooms in the old atmospheric herrgard, forestbathing, a supportive group of women…..will you join us?
During retreat Anna-Lena and I will hold the space for you; all of the daily chores will be taken care of so that you can slowly step back from your busy state of ‘doingness’ into the space of ‘beingness’. It is in the state of beingness that our soul likes to hang out and starts to whisper to us, offering us her guidance.
Experience how deep relaxation can fill you with fresh energy and inner peace, and how gentle somatic movement can bring healing to your nervous system. Together we’ll explore how we can cultivate our inner resources, which is the feeling in our body of inner joy, calm and safety. We focus on practices that help us remember our innate wholeness and our inter-being with nature and each other.

The natural world
For many it is easier to connect to that place of inner peace while being in nature than while sitting on a cushion trying to meditate at home. The feeling of awe that we get when we’re surrounded by nature contributes to making us happier and healthier. Scientific studies show the mechanisms behind the many healing effects of being in wild and natural areas. For example, many trees give off organic compounds that support our “NK” (natural killer) cells that are part of our immune system’s way of fighting cancer. Other proven effects are reduced levels of stress, improved sleep and ability to concentrate.
In Korsån we are surrounded by beautiful nature. There are no sounds of traffic in the forest, just the whispering of the wind and rustling of the autumn leaves. There will be plenty of free time for you to wander off by yourself, maybe paddle the canoe, read a book, journal if you like, nap, or just dream away. Some periods of time we’ll be in silence.
Gentle Somatic Yoga by Lisan
Through listening to the body we learn to move from the inside out, through softening and focussing on opening we can connect with our subtle core, our breath deepens and energy flows. Morning classes will be revitalising and start with waking up the body through free somatic movements, followed by seated and lying poses. Evening classes are more restorative; we’re going to slow it all down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. Meditation, inquiry, nervous system resilience practices and yoga nidra are woven into morning and evening classes. Classes are suited for both beginners and more experienced practitioners.

You host, Anna-Lena runs Korså Herrgård, she is a mental coach, cook, interior designer and fabulous baker. She is known for making her guests feel warmly welcome and has a lot of knowledge about the area. She supervises the kitchen, meals will be vegetarian, delicious and healthy. Anna-Lena is famous for her warmth, enthousiasm and luscious cakes and tarts.
Note: please let us know if you follow a vegan diet or if you suffer from any food allergies.
Basic but comfortable accommodation is in the charming old herrgård (guest house), in the heart of Korså Bruk, in the south of the provence of Dalarna, amazingly situated in the forest and surrounded by lakes. Korså Bruk dates from 1842 and is the oldest preserved iron industrial settlement in Sweden, The old school, village shop, mission house, timber barracks where the blacksmiths used to live, the country estate where the carts housed; the large water wheels, hammers and power plant are all still intact in this unique historic little settlement.
The herrgård offers single and double rooms with shared bathrooms, all rooms are uniquely decorated by Anna-Lena. In the cozy dining room we’ll sit by the open fire and eat around the big wooden table by candle light. If needed there is plenty of space for social distancing.

Time schedule*
- arrivals between 15.00-16.00
- 16.15 Welcome fika
- 18.30 diner
- evening meditation
Saturday and Sunday
- Fruit and tea
- 8.30-9.00 morning meditation
- 9.00-10.30 yoga
- Brunch
- Free time /bastu
- 16.00 Fika
- 17.00 yoga/meditation/inquiry
- 18.30 diner
- Meditation/yoga nidra
fruit and tea
8.30-9.00 morning meditation
9.00- 10.30 yoga & closing ceremony
12.00 goodbyes and check out
* The time schedule can be subject to change depending on the weather and our spontaneity.
The cost for this weekend is 6400 sek in a shared room – 7400 sek in a single room and includes vat, tuition and meals. Book before the first of August and receive a 500 sek discount.
Max 10 pers.
Your reservaton is made as soon as you pay a deposit of 2400 SEK.
The remaining amount should be payed before the first of September.
We are here to help with the logistics of your travels (flights to Stockholm) and arrange for transport from the nearest town Hofors, to Korså.
If you need to cancel your booking due to illness, we will be reimbursing you your payment untill 7 days before the start of the retreat, no questions asked. There after we offer you a voucher for a future retreat or we reimburse you 50% of your payment.
Warm welcome to us in Korså!
Anna-Lena Olsson & Lisan Bremmers
Join us!
0046 703588226
Fill in the form below and I will reach out to you:

With a blend of playfulnes, curiousity, experience, knowledge, creativity and deep listening Lisan has founded her own unique heartful style of yoga. She inspires me on my journey of being present in the moment, that is always here and now and in trusting my inner proces. To come on retreat in Korsån with Lisan was just wonderful.
Åse F. (Torsåker)

Words cannot describe what this weekend ment to me. Thank you! Yogaretreatet var mer välbehövligt än jag väntat mig. Jag känner mig som ny!
Caroline (Stockholm)

Such a lovely experience; quiet, deeply nourishing in many ways, exquisite surroundings with just the right conditions to turn inwards.
Louise Renehan (Nevada city, USA)

I like Lisan’s style of ‘teaching’. She isn’t ‘putting us through the yoga poses (a lot of yoga teachers do, sadly) but more an exploration of movement and postures. It felt so good to slow down our practice together and talk about and feel the benefits. I love the way Lisan shares her understanding and enjoyment’. I have enjoyed several retreats with Lisan both in Greece and in Sweden and I always come away rested, recharged and inspired. Love the laughs that we have too!
Yonnie Frazer (Edinbrough)

Thank you again for a wonderful retreat. So very well planned, executed, tuned in to. You really saw us all, beautiful. I really appreciated your softness, and tolerance.
Elisabeth Croneburg (Stockholm)

Att komma nära sig själv kan vara svårt när vi lever i en värld som snurrar snabbt, snabbt, snabbt. Det är så enkelt att ta till flykten i form av sociala medier, diverse adrenalinkickar och ännu en Netflix-serie när vi känner någon form av oro i kroppen. Att vara på retreat i en otroligt vacker miljö med en fantastiskt varm Lisanne är något jag kommer bära med mig resten av livet. För första gången på länge kom jag ner i mig själv och mitt eget varande. Stundtals var det utmanande, men med hjälp av den trygga och tillåtande atmosfären som Lisanne skapat vågade jag släppa efter. Det var häftigt. Jag åkte därifrån med ny kunskap, men också med en känsla av inspiration, värme och nyfikenhet. En längtan efter något annat och kanske mer befriande. Lisanne och gänget i Korså Herrgård skapade verkligen fyra fantastiska dagar som byggde på professionalism, kunskap och erfarenhet. Otroligt värdefullt.
Marita S. (Hofors)
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